Tuesday, November 30, 2004

NEWS.com.au | Keelty says strike here 'inevitable' (November 30, 2004)

NEWS.com.au | Keelty says strike here 'inevitable' (November 30, 2004)

If the muslim "community leaders" in Sydney are correct that at most 10% of the islamic population of Sydney are a threat to non muslim Australians then we only have to worry about 30,000 mad islamic Terrorist's hell bent on killing as many Australians as they can, now dont you feel better ?
Or if you like 28 million in Indonesia or world wide 100 million mad champing at the bit loons wanting to implement the "Religion of Peace" by hacking off your head or blowing you to a million pieces.
These above numbers put alah's "army" into perspective.
Bogs Doddy.

Keelty says strike here 'inevitable'
November 30, 2004

AUSTRALIAN Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty believes it's only a matter of time before there's a terror strike on Australia.

In an interview published in The Bulletin magazine tomorrow, Mr Keelty said he believed such an attack was inevitable.

"Yeah I do," he said.

"I mean commonsense tells you there's absolutely nothing that will make us immune from terrorism and that an attack is inevitable because the objective of the terrorists we are currently dealing with is to break down our western, democratic and liberal values."

Mr Keelty said some terrorists could be arrested or killed.

"But for the long-term effect you must look at ways to turn the thinking around of the individuals who would otherwise embrace this as their philosophy or their ideology," he said.

In the article, friends of Mr Keelty say he was deeply wounded by the row earlier this year in which he said the terrorist bombing in Madrid was more likely to have been linked to Spain's support for the US in the Iraq war.

That was taken as implying Australia was at greater risk of terror attack because of involvement in Iraq, and prompted strong responses from Prime Minister John Howard and Foreign Minister Alexander Downer.

Mr Keelty issued a retraction and considered quitting - a move a senior law enforcement source quoted in The Bulletin said would have been a complete disaster for counter-terrorism efforts.

The attack that hurt most apparently came from defence force chief General Peter Cosgrove. The Bulletin said Mr Howard and Mr Downer had since given him what could be construed as apologies.

Asked about his Madrid comments, Mr Keelty said: "Well I think and I did say this in the statement I made at the time, Iraq's but one part of a whole series of things that we've been involved in that makes us a target, not the least being east Timor."