Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Death threats follow Paedophile revelations

Death threats after pedophile MP claims
By Steve Larkin
March 08, 2005
From: AAP
THE Speaker of the South Australian Parliament said today he had received numerous death threats after alleging there was a pedophile MP in the state.
Speaker Peter Lewis said he had reported the death threats, made at the weekend, to police but was uncertain what could be done about them.
Mr Lewis claimed last week that two gay men recently found dead in Adelaide had told him of a pedophile politician who frequented Veale Gardens in the city's south parklands, a known homosexual haunt.
Police initially said the allegations had been reported in 2003 and were found to be unsubstantiated, but they confirmed yesterday the investigation into the claims had been reopened.
Mr Lewis said today he believed fresh information about the MP had been detailed to police.
"I'm being told that more is coming forward but I am not soliciting it," he said.
The parliamentary speaker also cast doubt on what police could do about the death threats made at the weekend.
"I don't think there is much that they can do about it," Mr Lewis said.
"They are not going to know where these people will turn up if they decide to turn up.
"They are obviously people who are associated with, I guess, the allegations that have been made about the activities of pedophiles in Veale Gardens."
Mr Lewis said he would not be swayed by the threats.
"If you are a soldier, the enemy is there somewhere - you know that they're going to shoot you; it doesn't stop you from doing your job," he said.
Mr Lewis said the two gay men, Robert Woodland and Shaine Moore, had told him of a pedophile MP during interviews in his role as instigator of an inquiry into the sexual abuse of state wards, now being held before a retired Supreme Court judge.
The body of Mr Woodland, 36, was found in the south parklands last December in an as-yet unsolved murder.
Mr Moore, 33, was found dead almost two weeks ago in his north suburban Adelaide house in what police have described as suspicious circumstances.

Posted by Hello

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