Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Feral Kiwi's wearing wigs protest Prince Charles

Grin and bare it ... a female protester is led
away by police in Wellington.

Semi-naked Kiwi protesters greet Charles.
By staff writers
March 08, 2005
Grin and bare it ... a female protester is lead away by police in Wellington / Reuters
DECORATED bodies and chest-thumping greeted Prince Charles when he arrived in Wellington today, but it was no traditional Maori haka.
As the heir to the British throne arrived for an official function in Wellington he was greeted by two topless shrieking women yelling obscure protest slogans.
One had her body marked, but not with the traditional tattoos of the Pacific islands. She had used a magic marker to scrawl "Get your colonist shame off my breasts" across her torso.
It was believed to be a protest against the monarchy, though this could not be confirmed.
The blonde woman was arrested and frog-marched away. The Prince appeared to look towards her and smile before entering the Wellington City Art Gallery, according to witnesses.
Another attempted bare-breasted protest was not executed quite so well. A topless mum carrying her baby was taken away by detectives - as she was waiting in line to shake hands with the Prince.
It is not known what her grievance was, though she was reportedly led away shrieking "I just want to feed my baby".
Local media said the Prince apparently failed to notice her. Again, it is not known precisely what she was protesting over.
There were other more decipherable protests with one woman chanting, "Shame on the British monarchy, shame for years of colonialism, shame for years of genocide," and other slogans through a bullhorn.
Little disruption was reported at the visit, however, where some 600 people turned out to see the Prince.
He was on the third day of a five-day royal tour of New Zealand. He flies to Fiji this week before returning to Britain.

Posted by Hello

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