Move America Forward
To: U.S. President George W. Bush
Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist
Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid
Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert
House Majority Leader, Tom DeLay
House Majority Whip, Roy Blunt
House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi
House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer
UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan
H.E. Mr. Jean Ping, President, UN General Assembly
During the past several years, the threat facing the United States of America and much of the world from violent terrorist organizations has grown exponentially. While the United Nations is chartered to promote peace, its actions recently have made it an accessory to terrorist crimes.
This calls for straightforward action by the people of the United States to protect our national interest. Americans must demand our government remove the United Nations from our borders and cease serving as the major financial supporter of an organization that has veered from its original purpose.
The United Nations was originally founded according to its charter to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security. However, it has become apparent that leading voices in the United Nations have positioned the organization so that it is increasingly a body that sides with those who find the use of terrorism against unarmed and innocent civilians tolerable.
Instead of serving as a rallying point for free nations and free people to unite to combat terrorism, the United Nations has become a safe harbor, apologist and defender of terrorist organizations and their agents.
Recently it has become clear that none other than the UN General Secretary himself, Kofi Annan, has been implicated in covering up the troubling Oil for Food scandal, and stonewalling investigators. The so-called independent audit of the alleged misdeeds of the UNs Oil for Food program is looking more and more like a whitewash.
Why? Evidence suggests that Mr. Annan and his son, Kojo, may themselves have been involved in wrongdoing in partnership with Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein. High-ranking officials throughout the UN are now suspected of financially benefiting from maintaining Saddam Hussein in power, despite his despotic rule and ties to worldwide terrorism and refusal to accept UN resolutions.
Saddam Hussein served as one of the greatest advocates for international terrorism, yet the United Nations is wrought with individuals who became the greatest obstacles for putting an end to his promotion of international terror.
In the aftermath of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Kofi Annan has added insult to injury by calling the military operation enforcing UN resolutions illegal. This is despite a series of resolutions, including Resolution 1441, which stated, the Council has repeatedly warned Iraq that it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violations of its obligations.
That resolution included a dissenting opinion by three nations. Those nations were France, Russia and China. Evidence has now emerged which implicates those same three nations as being the most actively involved in the UN-Iraq Oil for Food corruption scandal.
Money from the Oil for Food scheme not only went to pay the families of Palestinian terrorists, and journalists and officials in countries opposing the Iraqi action, but it looks like it also went to purchase the weapons that so called insurgents are now using in Iraq to kill coalition forces, Iraqi security forces, and innocent Iraqi civilians.
No longer should the United States of America serve as the host to an institution that serves as a forum for opposition to our national interests. Further, the United States should reexamine the extent of its financial support of such an agency.
The U.S. pays a membership fee to the United Nations of $360 million per year (and billions more in payments to other UN organizations). These are payments made to an organization that is serving as an obstacle in the war against terrorism. That makes no sense, and we must take action to reduce or cancel payment of these fees. [Currently the U.S. pays approximately 22% of the UNs general budget and 27% of peacekeeping budgets.]
We, the undersigned, do therefore call for the following to take place immediately:
Removal of the United Nations Headquarters facilities from New York, relocating it outside of the United States and any of its territories.
A thorough review of the US financial contributions to the UN with a goal of a more equitable payment schedule. Until that review is concluded, eliminate all the payments made by the United States to the United Nations.

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