Carnage in Tel Aviv, an example of muslim "Peace"
WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY February 27 2005 Email: gwinston@interaccess.com Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear on Websites at http://www.gamla.org.il/english & freeman.org Outgoing mail is virus-checked. To be removed from this list, please send your Email address.
NOT TO WORRY - We Have the High Priest Cult of Human Sacrifice by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East analyst & commentator
Israel's Prime Minister Ariel (Arik) Sharon has a sufficient number of Jews to sacrifice to his ego. The moment I head of the atrocity in Tel Aviv, I wrote the anticipated speech from Sharon, Abbas and Bush. Each would babble something about: "The Peace must go on - even when there was none." We used to hear this often from Rabin and Peres was always quick to say that the "Piss Process must go on."
The Media has a lot invested as the cheering squad for a process that is not happening. I would forecast that many Jews are yet to die at the hand of a non-existent Peace Process.
Clearly, Sharon is no less corrupt than Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), the new President of the Palestinian Authority in setting in motion an "Intifada 3" while telling its future victims "not to worry", we have everything under control.
The other day one of Sharon's team of liars was holding forth at an interview, bragging about how quiet it was on Israel's Northern Front where former PM Ehud Barak ran from the Lebanese Security Border, like a rat in the night. That vacuum is now filled with 12,000 to 15,000 missiles, tended by Hezb'Allah under Syrian and Iranian influence.
Many of those warheads are known to Israeli Intelligence as being loaded with deadly chemicals. In his interview, Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had ignored the number of mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, roadside bombs, sniper killing that have been used successfully against Israeli troops but Olmert claimed "All was quiet on the Northern Front." When really pressed with the facts, Olmert walked out.
Olmert's purpose was to create the impression that the Gaza withdrawal will result in similar 'quiet'. Well, maybe. Lebanon is a good example. Gaza, like Lebanon, is already loaded with weapons. When Sharon leaves the Gaza vacuum, it too will have its 10,000 missiles or more pointed at Israel. Add to that Russia's plan to sell heavy weapons and light armor to the Arab Muslim Palestinians.
Sharon's team of liars believe the Israeli people to be exceptionally stupid and believe anything told to them. Moreover, they are counting on the Jewish tendency to quickly forget Terrorist atrocities, like the one that just killed four young people, wounding more than 50 - one woman is fighting for her life. The club named "The Stage" featured karioke and sing-a-long. It had four guards, one of whom stopped the killer from getting inside where he would have killed many more.
My friend, Oded Orbach had to fly to Israel last night because his niece, Yael Orbach was killed as she was handing out wedding invitations to her friends at The Stage nightclub. Is there anyone in Israel who does not have a friend, relative or loved one who was killed by a Terrorist?
Throughout the phony calm since Sharm el-Sheikh, between 50 and 60 threatened bombings were constants on their screens. Although the military had drastically cut down on its counter-terror operations and precautions to give the new Palestinian leader Abu Mazen a chance to rein in Palestinian Terror, still ticking bombs from all the various Palestinian Terrorist organizations were being caught almost daily in Judea and Samaria. None of this was reported by the Leftist Hebrew Press but, then the world Media including CNN and FOX News didn't think it was worth publishing
This killer wasn't alone. He was just the first that got through the Israeli security net after many of his fellow killers had tried and failed. He was handed his bomb belt by a confederate Terrorist who lives inside Israel. In Jerusalem there were three separate alerts in the past two weeks for suicide bombers on their way from Judea and Samaria to strikes in the Capital. All were captured with their bomb belts. Now Tel Aviv and central Israel are now also on elevated Terror alerts for the coming days.
The Sharon government will face grave charges that will be heard in its regular session, Sunday February 27. But, Sharon and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz were too preoccupied with political maneuvers over the coming retreats from the Gaza/Gush Katif and North Samaria. They fired or silenced their most effective apolitical critics of the "Disengagement Plan" and prematurely lowered Israel's counter-terror guard; Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon, Shin Beit Director Avi Dichter and Military Intelligence Chief Brigadier Aharon Ze'evi are all on their way out. But, Sharon's office has been clear that Abbas will be given more freedom before any drastic military action and the giving away to the Palestinian Arab Muslims will continue. (1)
According to DEBKAfile, Abu Mazen and his lieutenant Mohammed Dahlan have secretly applied to more than 20 world governments with urgent requests for large quantities of heavy weapons. The Sharon government hasn't bothered to monitor these dangers. It includes all types of armored personnel carriers with fixed mortars, jeeps fitted with 107 mm recoilless guns, telescopic rifles, pistols, ammunition, communications and engineering gear, helmets and medical equipment. Shopping for heavy weapons is in total contravention of every international accord the Palestinians, including Abu Mazen in person, have ever signed with Israel and every pledge Abbas has made to President Bush.
In 2001, the Israeli Air Force and Naval Commandos intercepted the Karine-A with 50 tons of heavy weapons from Iran bound for the Palestinian Authority. The Russian Foreign Minister frankly admitted February 15, to supplying the Palestinians with "military machines" and said Moscow was considering sending them APCs since the Palestinian Authority proved itself in control of security. In Gaza, Mussa Arafat would have the use of mobile artillery to blitz Israeli towns and villages. The first to pay the ultimate price were the victims of Arab Muslim Terror in Tel Aviv Friday night.(1)
Jews are supposed to forget so Sharon can go on with his scurrilous plans. This is bunch who surely deserve a Nuremberg trial, with the same probability of sentencing.
Sacrificing Jews to a theory, as was done with the Oslo Accords under Rabin and Peres was only their first major betrayal but, not the last. Now, "Disengagement" is being foisted on hard-working innocent Jewish farmers and their families who must accept being evicted, uprooted - having 30 years of their work wiped out by a theory that "Disengagement" will bring Peace. How foolish! Anyone who has studied history of the Arab Muslims will know that they will never stop accepting the Jews' sacrifices of their own people.
Never forgive or forget this cult of the Political High Priests still in the business of sacrificing people to the pagan gods they follow.
Some may recall HaShem's instructions to the Hebrew tribes, namely to eliminate those who practiced human sacrifice to their pagan gods. It was considered an abomination before G-d and man. They were supposed to kill ALL the Amaleketes but they never did.
This is just a preliminary slaughter leading up to the main event. Be assured there will be plenty of dancing in the towns and camps of the Palestinians and Arab nations. The bait-and-switch groups of Hamas and Islamic Jihad have denied a role in the slaughter while others, wearing another hat, blew up the young people with bombs loaded with nails.
He killed a bride giving her friends wedding invitations. Her groom-to-be is in moderate condition. We don't know yet who lost legs, arms, eyes - cut by the nails and shrapnel loaded in the 60 pound of explosives the bomber had on his belt. All of them had a life, a story, to live and love, bear children and watch them grow. Why does normal life have to be bought with the sacrifices of other lives?
Abu Mazen can say: "It wasn't me or mine." Nevertheless, the wood is being gathered to light and dance around.
The big event will be Sharon's grand ceremony as he sends in troops and thugs to attack the settlers, the Jewish men, women and children, put them on trucks and ship them off to "temporary? tent camps?" There will follow a wild swirling ceremony, where Sharon and his collaborators will join with Abu Mazen and his men, as they dance around whatever pagan god each believes in. I wonder if Condi will join the high priest cult in the ceremonies?
1. "Terrorists Shatter Phony Calm in Tel Aviv, Shop for Heavy Weapons" DEBKAfile Feb. 26, 2005
2. "Terrorists Kill Four in Tel Aviv Bomb Blast" ARUTZ 7 Feb. 27, 2005
An Islamic Jihad suicide bomber Friday night killed three men and a woman and wounded more than 50 others at a Tel Aviv nightclub near the beach.
The four who were killed were to be buried in their hometowns today. They are:
* Yitzchak Buzaglo, 40, from Moshav Mishmar HaYarden, whose wife Linda was hospitalized in serious condition; they have a 9-year-old son and a 3-year-old daughter.
* Aryeh Nagar, 37, of Kfar Saba; never married, he is survived by his parents and five siblings.
* Ronen Reuvenov, 30, of Tel Aviv; and
* Yael Auerbach, 28 from Rehovot, who was to have been married in two weeks; her fiancé is hospitalized in moderate condition.
The attack occurred when a suicide terrorist blew himself up at the entrance to the Stage Club on the Tel Aviv boardwalk. The terrorist was killed in the blast, and police are searching for a second man seen with him before the attack.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) blamed the attack on Hezb'Allah terrorists allied with Iran, but Israeli security sources said the terrorists came from an Islamic Jihad gang backed by Syrian terrorists. Islamic Jihad, in fact, claimed responsibility, airing a video tape prepared before the attack and boasting that it was trying to derail the PA.
Three of the wounded were initially listed in serious condition. Of the more than 50 people who were wounded, 29 are still hospitalized in four Tel Aviv hospitals - Sheba, Ichilov, Wolfson and Beilinson - including one in very critical condition and one in serious condition.
Most of the victims belonged to an Israeli army reserve unit that was planning to celebrate the birthday of one of its officers at the nightclub. "It was a surprise party for our sergeant-major," said Eitan Hait, one if the reservists. "We were all standing outside laughing and smiling when suddenly I felt darkness sweep over me." Many unit members described themselves as a close "family" that would often get together socially. They were to have received wedding invitations to Ophir and Yael's wedding on Friday night.
"We're a small and very 'together' unit," later said Yaron Greivsky, whose 30th birthday was the reason for the surprise gathering. "We're the kind who smile when we're called up for reserve service. All of us have been in dangerous places, we've been in Lebanon, Gaza, Hevron, all over. No one was ever hurt. And then a terrorist comes to the middle of Tel Aviv, where it's supposed to be the safest, and destroys everything."
The murderer was a 21-year-old terrorist from an area near Tul Karem, about five miles east of Tel Aviv. Tul Karem was slated to be one of the first cities whose security responsibility was to be handed over to the PA in the coming days. In reaction to the suicide bombing, Israel announced last night, among other things, that it was freezing the plan. Some analysts said that this was largely an announcement to calm the Israeli public, as the plan was mired in any event.

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