How your taxes fuel division
Andrew Bolt
WANT to see why politicians spend your multicultural taxes? Then flick through the pictures - hey, there's Steve Bracks again - in the latest report of the Victorian Multicultural Commission.
In 40 pages, we see nine pictures of the Premier, six of Multicultural Affairs Minister John Pandazopoulos, three of parliamentary secretary Kaye Darveniza, three of Education Minister Lynne Kosky, two of backbencher George Seitz, and one of ministers John Thwaites, Bob Cameron and Bronwyn Pike. All giving out cash and prizes.
Makes a joke of the VMC's claim to give independent advice, doesn't it? It's proof multiculturalism is about politicians turning migrants into clients, not Australians.
Safety check: governments have no business funding ethnic or religious differences, and certainly not when we've had race riots in Redfern, Palm Island and now at a Serb-Croat soccer game.
It should already be clear to migrants that people from any background can make it here. Just check the names of this government's ministers - Pandazopoulos, Theophanous, Haermeyer, the Dutchman Lenders and Bracks himself, of Lebanese descent.
Enough. If people really want their ethnic fun, let them fund it themselves. Scrap the VMC, and they should get enough back in tax cuts to pay for it all, and a day at the footy besides.

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