The Age . NEWS . pic courtesy A Current Affair . JUNE 10, 2003 .
Bilal Khazal has been named in a CIA report as an Al Qaeda suspect.
March 16, 2005
New terror target warning: Australia
From our "We Could Have Told You This" Department, coming from the Herald, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm and RB:
AUSTRALIA could be the target of the next Jemaah Islamiah attack to be launched from possibly Indonesia or the Philippines, new intelligence warns....
Labor foreign affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd told Parliament yesterday new terror intelligence suggested the Philippines and Indonesia as likely launch bases for attacks against Australian interests.
Experts told Mr Rudd that JI was providing terror training to smaller outfits in the two countries and growing its membership base. "The reality is that JI is now acting more like al-Qaida," Mr Rudd said.
Uh, could that be because they have exactly the same motivational ideology? Just wondering.Posted at March 16, 2005 04:37 PM
Bogs Doddy Reply
I don't doubt Australia is and has been on the hit list for wanton savagery by the followers of the "Religion" of peace, however it should be pointed out that the source of this story is the Socialist OPPOSITION foreign affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd.
Mr Rudds' Socialist Labor party is AGAINST the war on terror, believes Saddam should still be in power and that the only intervention that should take place ANYWHERE in the WORLD is that which is authorized by the United Nations ie. France Germany Russia.
Saddam was the leader of the SOCIALIST BA'ATHIST Party.
When he was Vice President of Iraq he donated MILLIONS of dollars to his fellow SOCIALIST Party, the Australian Labor Party, that's one reason why the ALP was so supportive of his remaining in office and is to this day demanding the "Coalition of the willing" (or as the left calls it "the coalition of the killing") "CUT & RUN" from Iraq immediately.
This policy clearly would hand Iraq over to its former Terrorist masters.
As I write this the ALPs' rabid left "pit bulls" are salivating their way through the streets of Sydney protesting the down fall of their good Comrade Saddam and calling for the downfall and failure of the Coalition of the willing in Iraq
Given Mr Rudds' ALP policy on "the war against terror" namely give them what they want and they will leave us alone, they really are only after America, America should ask what it did to deserve it , its nothing to do with Australia etc etc etc I find his NEW found concerns for a possible terror attack on Australian soil at best 3 years to late and at worst rank political opportunistic hypocracy, however it is good to see that at least some members of the ALP no matter how superficial acknowledge Australia is at risk from the savagery that passes for a "Religion " of peace.
Perhaps he could ask his party's financial backers the Australian Council of Trade Unions to agree to camera surveillance of the Transport Workers Union at Australia's airports so as baggage handlers could be monitored. Given their preference for employing Muslim's, one of whom is awaiting trial for terrorist activities in Sydney and another who is currently serving a 5 year sentence in Lebanon after fleeing Australia whilst on Bail for numerous terror related offences or is that too big an ask?
Perhaps next time his Labor college Leo McLeay visits the leader of Hezbollah for a private audience he could ask his Comrade to use his influence to leave Australia off the list of targets for Islamic savagery.
Put simply Mr Rudd and the ALP collectively, as far as Terrorism is concerned, would not know if a bus load of terrorist drove up their arse and got off.
It's like the arsonist arriving at the fire issuing instructions on the best way to put the fire out to the fire fighters.
See Transcript of Channel 9 News story below.
Dhimmi Watch
October 01, 2004
Suicide of the West update from Australia
"Australia should be turning its military on both itself and the US" - according to an Australian politician. From the Courier-Mail,
LABOR candidate Ivan Molloy posed with a machine gun supplied by Muslim extremists and has said Australia should be turning its military on both itself and the US.
Dr Molloy has also claimed Muslim guerilla groups should not be labelled terrorists.
The group he posed with in the Philippines in 1983 has recently been linked by Washington to Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.
Dr Molloy yesterday denied he was a supporter of the group known as the Moro Liberation Front.
In the early 1980s the group was trying to violently separate the Mindanao Islands from the Philippines and establish a separate Muslim state.
A photograph of the gun-toting Dr Molloy was featured in a 33-page working paper he wrote for his thesis entitled "The Conflicts of Mindanao: Whilst the Revolution Rolls On, the Jihad Falters".
The paper was largely devoted to the Moro Liberation Front, a Muslim guerilla warfare army.
Since Dr Molloy spent time with the Moro group it has splintered but the main faction was the one linked by Washington to al-Qaeda.
"I don't want to get caught in the trap of saying I am sympathetic but I would say I understand their causes," Dr Molloy said yesterday.
I doubt it.
This clown is so typical of Australia's Labor Party (Socialist Left Union Dominated Greens "Peace Activist" rat bags)
For them no pile of dead and wounded is too high a price for others to pay for the implementation of their Communist ideology.
What better tool could the Left have than the Barbarous Savages "freedom fighters" of islam to let loose on the civilized world to first destroy it then to remake it in their Godless image.
Unfortunately for Australia this Molloy is not the exception on the left of Australian Politics.
Yours faithfully,
R Sole.
Posted by: RSole at October 2, 2004 12:30 AM
Below is a transcript of a Channel 9 Sydney news report.
I have to ask just what WAS this "Member for muslims" Labor Politician doing, was he ,
Taking instructions?
Giving instructions?
Delivering a brown paper bag ?
Receiving a Brown paper bag?
Catching up with the Boss?
Or just receiving instructions?
A few points below to consider as well.
The Australian Labor Party along with it's fund raising arm the Australian Union Movement (ACTU)
have long been the beneficiaries of Saddam Hussein hence their loyal support of his regime and their refusal to do anything that could in any way endanger his Presidency.
I fear the election of a Labor / ACTU Government for one reason alone, forget the economic disaster that it would bring, I am more concerned about the retribution that the ALP would engage in on those who did not or who it perceived did not support it at the ballot box.
According to the apologist's for islam there are only 30,000 islamic terrorist's in Sydney, the ALP was responsible for bringing them into Australia in order to vote for their "member for muslims" during the Federal Labor Governments of Hawke & Keating, I believe that the muslim ghettos of South Western Sydney created by the Australian Labor Party are the greatest threat to our National Security since their fundraising arm the ACTU, refused to load supplies to our troops on the Kakoda Track in the second World War and then repeated this infamy during the Vietnam War whilst Australian Soldiers were fighting for their lives in both cases these scum were hoping that they would be defeated (killed) by Australia's enemy's.
Labor Party = International Socialism / Communism
ACTU / Unions = Fundraising arm of International Socialism
This is an exact transcriptof the TV script and therefore has many seemingly irrelevant characters in the text please 'read between the lines' as they say for the relevant printed text
SHOTLIST: Exclusive: Leo McLeay along towards lift ( for his farewell dinner ), Bob Carr along, WS people in lift, Xlib Hezbollah's Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah at podium, Alexander Downer IV, Xlib Hezbollah fighting, Xlib Hezbollah rebel soldiers along fighting, Alexander Downer IV, Xlib Hezbollah fighting vs, JUN2003 Leo McLeay in parliament, Kevin Rudd speaking in parliament, Xlib Hezbollah supporters chanting, Xlib Sheikh Nasrallah, Leo McLeay IV, PTC reporter Laurie Oakes SU in studio, Alexander Downer IV, Xlib Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah at meeting.
KEYWORDS: Lebanon, Lebanese, Hezbollah meeting, terror, terrorism, terrorists, terrorist, meeting, met, meets, Beirut, leader.
[CG at 0'00":#6000 NNN 2 Line Super\LAURIE OAKES\Reporting\ \ \ ]
[CG at 0'20":#6000 NNN 2 Line Super\ALEXANDER DOWNER\Foreign Minister\ \ \ ]
[CG at 0'55":#6000 NNN 2 Line Super\KEVIN RUDD\Shadow Foreign Minister\ \June, 2003\ ]
[CG at 1'07":#6000 NNN 2 Line Super\LEO McLEAY\Labor MP\ \ \ ]
[CG at 1'16":#6005 NNN 1 Line super\LAURIE OAKES\ \ \ ]
And a senior Federal Labor MP has come under fire, for his activities in Lebanon three years ago.
Political Editor Laurie Oakes reveals tonight, that former Parliamentary Speaker Leo McLeay, had a meeting with the head of the Middle East terrorist organisation.. Hezbollah.
Leo Mcleay mp for the Sydney seat of Watson will retire at the next election and last Friday night the host of prominent leaders NSW ALP figures including opposition leader Mark Latham attended his farewell .
But now details have leaked out of a meeting between Mr McLeay and this man Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah.
Alexander Downer
A member of parliament who meets with a terrorist organisation needs to reflect on the victims of that Terrorist organisation.
Mr Mcleay spent ninety minutes with the sheik in Beirut on July the 10th 2001, Hezbollah was only officially banned as a terrorist organisation under Australian law last year, but it's activities were known long before that.
alexander Downer
It's been responsible of suicide bombs and it's been responsible for terrorist activities outside the Middle East.
Mr mcleay's own labor colleges condemned the organisation in last years parliamentary debate.
Kevin Rudd:
It's declared leader Hassan nasralla who stated last September Quote death to America will remain a reverberating and powerful slogan.
Mr Mcleay says he meet representatives of all Lebanese political groups during his visit .
Upsot Leo McLeay:
Hezbollah is a large political party in Lebanon and is not a banned organisation then or now
Surprisingly the meeting was arranged at Mr Mclay's request by the Australian Embassy in Beirut he was taken to see the Sheik in an Embassy car accompanied by an Australian diplomat.
Alexander Downer:
We wouldn't have a senior officer go to a meeting with a Terrorist leader.
Laurie Oakes National Nine News.
So just what WAS the member for muslims doing in Lebanon?
Come clean Mr Latham (and give the money back ?)
Yours faithfully,
Posted by: RSole at October 2, 2004 02:48 AM
QANTAS worker committed for trial
Jailed in Lebanon Bailed in Sydney
Bilal Kahzal could be extradited to Lebanon
Terror suspect an informant?

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