We Are Family Video To Be Delivered To 61,000 Elementary Schools March 11
WAFF pulls information from web site following AFA article
If you have children or grandchildren in elementary school, you need to know about a new video being sent to 61,000 elementary schools. The "We Are Family" video will be delivered on March 11. It is produced by the We Are Family Foundation (WAFF), a pro-homosexual organization. Homosexual organizations have long used the schools to promote homosexuality.
When AFA alerted supporters about the video in our January AFA Journal, WAFF threatened to sue AFA for exposing the pro-homosexual content on WAFF's Web site.
WAFF attorneys threatened to sue us unless we recanted our statements, removed the article from our Web site, and issue an apology to WAFF. We refused. Thus far, WAFF has not sued AFA, primarily because they had no cause.
The AFA Journal article focused on a video project involving the 1970s hit song, “We Are Family, co-written by WAFF's founder, Nile Rodgers. The video features over 100 characters from children's television. A teacher's guide will accompany the DVD to encourage discussions after children view "We Are Family." The video will also air over the Disney Channel, PBS and Nickelodeon on March 11.
Under the guise of promoting tolerance for other categories such as race, gender, age, disabilities, etc., the WAFF Web site openly promoted homosexuality as a normative lifestyle. There was a "Tolerance Pledge" that encouraged signers to pledge respect for homosexuality, and work against "ignorance, insensitivity and bigotry."
While everyone should promote tolerance, a promotion of homosexuality should not be thrust on little children and unexpecting parents. It is absolutely wrong for schools to be used to promote the homosexual lifestyle.
While there is nothing questionable in the video itself, the site included a teacher’s guide to use with the children to discuss the video that aggressively normalized same-gender attraction and same-sex marriage. There was also a recommended reading list for children and adults that included such illustrated children's books as the lesbian tome, "Heather Has Two Mommies," which discusses artificial insemination, and "Daddy's Roommate," which included an illustration of two men in bed together.
The WAFF Web site ran a list of "allies" that virtually ran the gamut of homosexual advocacy groups: Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation; Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network; Human Rights Campaign; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; and Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians & Gays.
Following publication of the AFA article, the controversial materials on the WAFF Web site were immediately removed from public access. The only exception was the tolerance pledge, which was altered from its original format. Evidently WAFF did not want parents to know what was on their site and in the teacher's guide.
A good school system will always work with parents, not against them. We encourage parents to find out what, if anything, will be going on in their schools in connection with the "We Are Family" video.
AFA is recommending that parents take the following simple steps - always ensuring that communications with school officials be conducted in a polite and civilized manner:
If you are concerned, here are things to do:
1. Ask another parent or a small number of parents to join you. Contact your school's principal. Ask him or her if they plan to show the "We Are Family" DVD at school.
2. Ask if the teacher's guide will be used in facilitating any discussion, and ask for the opportunity to review the teacher's guide.
3. Ask very specifically if the subject of homosexuality will be brought up by teachers or discussed if brought up by a student.
4. If the school assures you that homosexuality will not be discussed, thank them politely. If you are informed that homosexuality will or may be discussed, ask for permission to sit in on the discussion. Invite other parents to attend with you. A good school will welcome involvement of parents.
Should you have problems with your school, or if you would simply like to tell us about your experience in dealing with this issue, e-mail us at contact@afa.net.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this to other parents of elementary school children.
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It's Not Gay: This 28-minute video presents a story that few have heard, allowing former homosexuals the opportunity to tell their own story in their own words. Along with medical and mental health experts, these individuals express a clear warning that the sanitized version of homosexuality being presented to students is not the whole truth.
Spiritual Heritage Tours - Tours of Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon with an emphasis on America's Christian heritage, led by AFA president Tim Wildmon and AFR general manager Marvin Sanders.

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