Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Australian Democrats support Habib

Terrorist Habib?

Call to probe Habib ASIO claims
March 09, 2005
From: AAP
ALLEGATIONS that evidence seized by ASIO at Mamdouh Habib's Sydney home in 2001 was used during his interrogation and torture in Egypt should be looked into, the Australian Democrats said today.
The former Guantanamo Bay detainee said Egyptian interrogators questioned him about hundreds of phone numbers he believes were contained in his Australian mobile phones.
"I think it adds to the whole question marks around Habib's treatment and I think it's something that should be looked into," Democrats leader Lyn Allison said.
Mr Habib has yet to respond to a federal parliamentary invitation to tell his story to a Senate committee.
"If he chooses not to appear then that's his choice," Senator Allison said.
"He did say initially, as I understand it, that he wanted his chance to speak to a Senate inquiry.
"He's got that, if he chooses not to take it, so be it."
Mr Habib is to tell some of his story on the SBS program Dateline tonight.

Posted by Hello

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