Dear Fellow Conservative / Reader
They tell us it is ok to abort unborn children... they over-turn states rights by citing international law...
They can take over your local schools... seize your private property... limit your right to political speech... and expel God and the Ten Commandments from your community.
They can legitimize the burning of the American flag and the dissemination of child pornography... as they endanger our brave fighting men and women in a time of war.
They are our nation's judges and they do all this and much, much more in complete disregard of their Constitutional limitations and the legitimate powers of Congress, the president and the states.
These radicals in robes have been seizing ever-increasing power over our private lives for decades.
They have no plans to stop.
We, as American citizens, can accept their tyranny quietly. Or we can fight back. Mark Levin has chosen to fight.
In Men In Black (which you can get absolutely free when you subscribe to HUMAN EVENTS
· AMERICAN ROYALTY: Why judges cannot be removed -- even after rendering the most outrageous and egregious decisions.
· AL QAEDA GETS A LAWYER: Thanks to liberal judges, foreign enemy combatants now have access to our courts. Look for them to demand the right to a lawyer, paid for by U.S. taxpayers.
· JUST SHUT UP: How you could end up in prison for speaking too much about a candidate you support.
· NO VOTES NEEDED: How liberals hope to transform America into a European-style social democracy -- without getting approval through the ballot box.
· HERE COMES THE BRIDE: Why, if they have their way, the Federal courts will have the final say in the legalization of gay marriage.
· NEVER FAILS: Ever wonder why Supreme Court justices always "evolve" to the political Left? Here's why.
· AT LEAST HE WAS HONEST: The name of the Supreme Court justice who said: "You guys have been practicing discrimination for years. Now it's our turn."
· OPEN-DOOR POLICY: How the courts are trampling the Constitutional definition of citizenship and rewriting immigration laws to suit their own "social justice" convictions.
· WHAT CONSTITUTION? What Justice Thurgood Marshall really meant when he said: "You do what you think is right and let the law catch up."
Men In Black is on sale in bookstores for $27.95. But with this special offer you may have this New York Times bestseller FREE just for trying HUMAN EVENTS
If you like knowing where politics in America is headed before everyone else does... if you've had it with the liberal "DANosaurs" at CBS and, for that matter, NBC, ABC, and all those self-proclaimed "newspapers of record" that only report the news that boosts the liberal agenda... HUMAN EVENTS
I refer to hot stories like these from recent issues of
· When leading Democrats routinely shriek about an "American version" of the Taliban and Saudi Islamic fanatics, who are they talking about? Why that would be YOU -- if you happen to be a person of religious faith
· Thousands of taxpayer dollars were earmarked by Congress to go to a homosexual group opposing the marriage amendment
· Danger crosses the border: Mexicans aren't the only ones slipping into the U.S. Now you can add top al Qaeda terrorists to the list. Still, our borders remain porous -- perilously so
· When do Democrats like religion? Answer: Only when they're campaigning for office. Normally the sworn enemies of faith, liberals hustle to the pulpit -- especially in black churches -- when votes are needed
· The radical-chic commissars in Santa Monica have come up with a new fine. No, it's not for disturbing the sand gnats or anything like that. They want to charge you $2,500 a day for not cutting your hedges.
· Unbelievable but true! The government wants to start using your tax dollars to cover "treatments" for people who are obese.
· The founder of the environmentally extreme Club of Rome now admits he was against the use of DDT to thwart malaria because it saves lives and thus "greatly added to the population problem."
If you had looked for those stories in conventional news sources
-- you'd still be looking! HUMAN EVENTS
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Now you know why I hope you'll try HUMAN EVENTS
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America.
You don't want to miss this book!
Tom Winter
Editor in Chief
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