Red (Mad?) Ken Livingstone (L)
Red Ken fires new blast at Sharon
March 05, 2005,5744,12446330%5E2703,00.html
LONDON: London's outspoken mayor, Ken Livingstone, has denounced Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a war criminal, in a searing critique of Israeli policies published in The Guardian newspaper yesterday.
In his article, Mr Livingstone rejects accusations of anti-Semitism and brushes aside fresh calls to apologise for comments he made last month comparing a Jewish reporter with a concentration camp guard.
Mr Sharon "is a war criminal who should be in prison, not in office", he writes, saying that even an Israeli commission had blamed the Prime Minister for the massacre of Palestinian refugees at camps in Lebanon.
The London mayor, known as "Red Ken", denounced the "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians by the Israeli state, condemned Jewish settlements in occupied land and called for Palestinians' right to return.
"Sharon continues to organise terror," he said, citing the disproportionate number of Palestinians killed compared with Israelis during the intifada, or Palestinian uprising.
Mr Livingstone says it is necessary to separate criticism of Israeli policies from anti-Semitism, saying the Sharon Government deliberately attempted to conflate the two.
For the past 20 years, Israel had attempted to portray anyone who criticises its policies as anti-Semitic, he said.
"The truth is the opposite: the same universal human values that recognise the Holocaust as the greatest racist crime of the 20th century require condemnation of the policies of successive Israeli governments."
Mr Livingstone's comments came as a response to criticism printed a day earlier in The Guardian by the head of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Henry Grunwald.
Mr Grunwald said the mayor had "let his office down" and should apologise for comments made to Oliver Finegold, a reporter for the Evening Standard, a paper widely seen as hostile to Mr Livingstone.
Last month the mayor compared Finegold to a concentration camp guard "just doing it because you are paid to" - a reference to working at the Standard.
But the Labour mayor, long associated with left-wing politics, defended his record on fighting anti-Semitism and racism, and rejected calls from Jewish community leaders to apologise for the uproar.
"No serious commentator has argued that my comments ... were anti-Semitic," he wrote in The Guardian.
His administration has fought anti-Semitism "tooth and nail", he says, and he continues to "detest racism".
Mr Livingstone is under investigation by the Standards Board for England, the local government watchdog, over whether he breached a code of conduct for the Greater London Authority with his remarks about Finegold.
If he is found to have broken the municipal government's ethical code, the mayor could be suspended from office for up to five years.

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